Music decor for home display can take many forms. From paintings created by famous artists of the world such as the Three Musicians Picasso to a tin plaque. Obviously you would need to be a millionaire to afford the Picasso but not so to afford the tin plaque.
They say your home is a reflection of your personality and sure enough I have seen this many times. I have friends who decorate their home with anything golf related. Another has themed their home around gardening and has really brought the garden indoors.
Both of these examples are based on their hobby. Other people add decoration to every room in the house that reflects their occupation or just an interest.
See my selection of examples below.
Unique Metal Music Decor for Home 32 Inches x 20 Inches
Music Themed Guitar And Waves Wall Art Painting In Blue for Home Decor
Home Wall Decor Display Box Sign “Music Is What Feelings Sound Like”
Metal Tin Sign Plaque with Music Theme Decor Display for Home
Unusual Home Decor Alarm Clock With Natural Sounds, FM Radio Music and Simulated Sunrise Light