Category: Pets

Extra Tall Dog Gate

Extra Tall Dog Gate

If you want to avoid your furry friend bounding all over certain areas of the home, causing all kinds of accidents and avoid it messing all over the place then you might need to consider installing extra tall dog gates…

Pet Food Storage Container

Pet Food Storage Container

With a fairly small investment in a pet food storage container there are two main benefits available. For us, we are now able to buy food in bulk because it can be kept in the proper condition without it losing…

Dog Seat Covers For Trucks

Dog Seat Covers For Trucks

Although we love our furry four legged friends very much, that doesn’t mean we have to put up with it mucking up the vehicle whenever it jumps. Especially so after it has been romping around in the sea, river or…

Large Dog Car Seat

Large Dog Car Seat

If you enjoy travelling around in the car with your furry four legged friend aboard, have you considered making its journey as comfortable as your own. If it’s anything other than one of the smaller breeds, then a large dog…

Console Dog Car Seat

Console Dog Car Seat

When traveling in the car with your dog aboard, one way to ensure the comfort of your pet is by having a console dog car seat. The seat will provide apart from comfort, a feeling of calm and security. If…